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In 1959, in San Francisco, the telephone operator Penny Washington leaves her three children to work in her night shift. The shy singer Harrison Winsl

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A new philosophy professor arrives on a small town campus near Newport, Rhode Island. His name, Abe Lucas. His reputation : bad. Abe is said to be a w

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An old and forgotten game develops magical powers in this fantasy for the whole family. Twelve-year-old Walter Budwing (Josh Hutcherson) and his young

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An out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in humankind, he sends his legion o

Ulee is called one day by his incarcerated son, Jimmy, asking for a favor. Jimmy will repay his debts if they save his wife, Helen, from hoodlums. Ule New York, 1974. Fifty-year-old Chris (Clive Owen) has just been released on good behavior after several years in prison following a gangland murder. R In London, George Thomason, his seductive American girlfriend Wanda Gershwitz, and their associate Ken Pile are planning their latest crime, a diamond Frank Adler (Chris Evans) is a single man raising a child prodigy - his spirited young niece Mary (Mckenna Grace) in a coastal town in Florida. Frank' In the summer of 1975 in a neighborhood in Boston, three kids, Dave Boyle and two of his friends, Jimmy Markum and Sean Devine, are playing on the sid

A Major with an attitude problem and a history of getting things done is told to interview military prisoners with death sentences or long terms for a A famous psychologist, Margaret Ford, decides to try to help one of her patients get out of a gambling debt. She visits the bar where Mike, to whom th LAPD detective Tom Ludlow is a ruthlessly efficient, unorthodox undercover cop. Captain Jack Wander always covers for Ludlow, as do even his somewhat Due to his knowledge of the native Bedouin tribes, British Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence is sent to Arabia to find Prince Faisal and serve as a liaison bet When a cop who’s just out of rehab takes a graveyard to change the city hospital morgue, he’s facing a series of bizarre, violent events caused by an evil orchestra, combined with corpses.

A new philosophy professor arrives on a small town campus near Newport, Rhode Island. His name, Abe Lucas. His reputation : bad. Abe is said to be a w In a small college in North Carolina, only a select few students are left to take mid terms. But, when a killer strikes, it could be everyone's final Hercule Poirot, the best detective in the world decides to travel on the Orient Express. The train accidentally gets stopped because of a small avalan Birth of a legend. Following King Richard's death in France, archer Robin Longstride, along with Will Scarlett, Alan-a-Dale and Little John, returns t Can the world's most powerful team of Super Heroes put aside their differences and learn to live together under one roof long enough to save the world A psychic who can read minds picks up the thoughts of a murderer in the audience and soon becomes a victim. An English pianist gets involved in solvin

Ulee is called one day by his incarcerated son, Jimmy, asking for a favor. Jimmy will repay his debts if they save his wife, Helen, from hoodlums. Ule

Nader (Payman Maadi) and Simin (Leila Hatami) argue about living abroad. Simin prefers to live abroad to provide better opportunities for their only d A simple story about simple people. A 38 year old divorced woman (Marie), who now has a lover (Serge) but decides to leave him, abort his baby, and th A group of friends get stranded in a seemingly deserted small town and find themselves stalked by a violent gang of psychopaths dressed as clowns. Grant Willard sponsors drivers in a A motherless and emotionally remote young man unexpectedly loses his father. After a chance encounter with a renowned lobotomist that knew his mother, John 'Hombre' Russell is a white man raised by the Apaches on an Indian reservation and later by a white man in town. As an adult he prefers to live o An out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in humankind, he sends his legion o